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John A. Woods Scholarship

The John A. Woods scholarship was a one-time $1,000 scholarship awarded to a freshman student attending any HBCU for the fall semester. This scholarship was awarded from 1999 - 2016. As a result of the fundraising efforts of the DFW HBCU Alumni 5K Run/Walk in 2023, DMCBAA was able to award a John A. Woods Scholarship once again. 

John A. Woods Scholarship History

The John A. Woods was the original offering and focused on incoming/1st semester freshman students.  A one-time $1000 scholarship was awarded to a student for the fall semester only.  Beyond that, the Council always awarded (based on the amount of money available) some funds to all students that applied for the given year.  It was awarded in May of the given year and a scholarship reception was held to present the award which allowed all student applicants & their parents a chance to meet (sometimes connecting with other freshman students from the area that would be attending the same HBCU or one in close proximity).

Graduation Caps

John A. Woods Scholarship Numbers

Dallas Metroplex Council of Black Alumni Associations (DMCBAA)

P.O. BOX 225551, Dallas, TX 75222-5551

The Dallas Metroplex Council of Black Alumni Associations (DMCBAA) is a 501(c)(3) exempt organization and public charity. Contributions to DMCBAA are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

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